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Watch RoboCop Online | Download RoboCop Movie Free

Watch RoboCop Online (2014) Or Download RoboCop Movie Free. José Padilha’s RoboCop reboot is much better than the lame duck attempt to adapt Total Recall a few years back. It’s a functional action film, structured well enough to stand on its own two feet as a science-fiction thriller. There are the obligatory explosions and CGI, but there’s also a clear enough story populated by reasonably well-drawn characters with just the faintest hint of social commentary at the core. It is solid and functional on its own terms, even if it suffers in comparison to its source material. Of course, it does leave open vquestions about the logic in adapting Paul Verhoeven films for wider audiences, if adapting amounts to stripping out all the bits that made them so iconic in the first place. The biggest problem with this contemporary take on RoboCop is the weighty seriousness of it all, the crippling sense that the movie desperately wants to be taken seriously. Many of the changes from Verhoeven’s classic feel like attempts to avoid derision or mockery.
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